--"Immediate Possession", The First Thing You See Is Gleaming Hardwood Floors In This Freshly Painted Home, Open-Concept Kitchen, Family-Room With Gas-Fireplace, Two Walk-Outs From Kitchen To A Large Deck, California Shutters On Main Level, Basement Windows Have Been Upgraded To Meet Fire Safety Standards
Inclusions: Fridge/Stove,Washer/Dryer,Dishwasher.
City: Barrie
Neighborhood: Georgian Drive
Located at 214 Dunsmore Lane , this Barrie house was listed for $248,900. This house's size is 1500-2000 Sqft. It has 3 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. The property includes the following rooms: Laundry, Bathroom, Br, Br, Br, Living, Family, Kitchen, Dining, Bathroom, Master, Bathroom. 214 Dunsmore Lane, Barrie is situated in the Georgian Drive neighbourhood.
MLS#: S0900088 · $248,900 · 3 bedroom house in Georgian Drive, Barrie